/templates/shaperhelixultimate/overrides/ folder is intended only for layouts already overriden in Helix from the box. You should copy the files from /plugins/system/helixultimate/overrides/ for use in this folder.
I am unsure if this is an override of "article", "category", or "categories".
If I put an override in the templates/shaperhelixultimate/overrides/com_content/ folder, I cannot select it in the menu item layout options. I only find overrides from the folder /shaper_helixultimate/html/com_content/article
But if you want to make a completely new blog category layout with your own name, you need to use the standard folder /templates/shaperhelixultimate/html/ and standart Joomla override means. Override all com_content layouts related to the blog category, change the names of their files, create a new type of menu item and add data to XML file.
The choice of your own blog layout is not carried out through the choice of the layout in the settings, but is carried out through the choice of the menu item type. Read Joomla's documentation about override of the blog category.
You can override the default category blog layout using /templates/shaperhelixultimate/overrides/ folder.
Or you can create your own category blog layout with an unique name following the instructions from Joomla documentation. Then it is not related to Helix
Statistics: Posted by Pavel-ww — Tue Feb 20, 2024 8:01 am